Cutey Honey Wiki
Yuki Kenmochi
Vital statistics
Position Student, Vigilante
Age (Adolescent)
Status Deceased

Yuki Kenmochi is one of the main characters of Cutie Honey: The Live. Similar to Miki Saotome, Yuki was involved in Dr. Kisaragi's attempts to bring back his daughter, but Yuki also proved to be a failure and developed a more deranged mind after she was tossed aside and became Sister Yuki.


Yuki appears as a beautiful teenage girl with long dark hair that is usually tied behind her head. She is usually seen in her school uniform when untransformed. As Sister Yuki, her hair is changed to white and has an outfit similar to Cutie Honey and Sister Miki but with a white top and a white diamond motif.


Yuki speaks in a polite and proper manner which gives the impression that she is an innocent young lady, however she tries to control her emotions due to her faulty Honey System. Yuki has a very big fondness of curry and is often seen eating it. However, Yuki also has a stalker and obsessive side when it concerns Honey Kisaragi whom Yuki had fallen for on first sight. As a result Yuki easily gets jealous of anyone who is close to Honey like Seiji or Natsuko. As a result, Yuki would attempt several stunts to keep Honey for herself. Yuki had then started on a darker path when Yuji Nakajo revealed to her that Honey was an android with a completed version of the Honey System, and after Miki's death as a result of faults in her system, Yuki was convinced Dr. Kisaragi created Honey to be her spare parts in order to fix her incomplete Honey System to the point of decapitating Honey in order to get the parts needed. Upon her capture by Hiromi Tanaka, and being brainwashed to get the Honey System Yuki became a cold servant to Hiromi who only wanted to kill Honey and lost further control when the backup limiter was destroyed yet showed tears during her fight with Honey. After being defeated by Honey, Yuki manages to return to her old self and continues to watch over Honey from within her.

Abilities and Equipment

Compared to Cutie Honey and Sister Miki, Sister Yuki sports a unique fighting style that is able to effortlessly overwhelm Panther Claw executives utilizing Chinese martial arts including the technique Qigong and incorporates ballet-like movements that show elegance but also cruelty towards an enemy. Yuki main weapon is a chakram called the Platinum Chakram. Like Miki, Yuki's Honey System is flawed at first making toys and objects appear at times and later begins to show a similar to flaw to Miki's drawing in matter and painfully expelling it from her body. When she was brainwashed by Tanaka, Yuki was given a backup limiter for her Honey System that put her under Tanaka's control.
